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Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours:)  Nothing like strep throat to keep you from eating to much food!

Our morning started off with Josh leaving town for Birmingham, AL…..he was up early and gave Maddox a bottle and then headed out.  First thing this morning Carter had to go potty and I went in to turn on the light, Maddox started crying…like a hurt cry.  I come in my room and Maddox had been standing up holding on to the computer and fell and bit his lip pretty hard.  He was bleeding.  I picked him up and went in the bathroom to check on Carter…literally as I am walking in, Carter is falling (he slipped on his soft Pajama pants) andhit his head on the cabinet and bit his bottom lip.  Now both of my boys are bleeding and crying…aayyyeeee.  Breath…recite Philippians 4:13.. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

OK, now after the initial morning drama, the boys and me had a great morning.  Carter and I have been working on his colors for several weeks now.  Either he really isn’t getting it, or he doesn’t want me to know…take your pick.  So this morning I let him pick which color he wanted to make his pancakes.  He chose green, seems to be his color of choice, he wants to wear his green shirt everyday:) 

green-pancakes The boys both seemed to love the green pancakes.  I think Maddox actually ate more than Carter did.  Maddox started eating some “non-baby” food about 3 weeks ago.  He still hasn’t had too much just pancakes, goldfish, he did have a little cookie the other day.  He really seems to like noodles…spaghetti. 

Next, I had planned a PJ day and we were going to stay home all day, but Daddy forgot to take back our redbox movie we had rented so I had to get the boys ready and go take it back.  We took it back to WalMart and picked up some waffles and bananas for tomorrow.  Since Monday is free movie code, I let Carter get a movie.  He picked Kung Fu Panda.  When we got home, I put Maddox to bed and Carter and me had a “date”.  We made popcorn and snuggled up and watched the movie.  It was a good movie, Carter loved it.  He watched it twice today and will probably watch it once more before it has to go back tomorrow. 

Tonight Carter asked to call his “Aunt Anna”!  I thought that was great since we don’t see Josh’s family much he usually only asks to call Daddy, Grandmother, and any of Aunt Yessie (Leslie), Baker Cooper or Mack Mack:)  So, we called Aunt Anna, Carter got on the phone and said “Happy birthday Aunt Anna”…that is really funny considering her b-day is in April.  I have no idea what goes on in the mind of my sweet child:)  I guess he could have been confused because he called to tell his cousin Caleigh Happy Birthday (she really is 5 today, Happy birthday Caleigh!) a few hours earlier. 

So, all in all…I had a wonderful day with my boys!  We miss Daddy and can’t wait until he gets home!

CVS has a great deal right now for tp, paper towels, diapers, etc.  When you spend $25 in participating Cottonelle, Viva, Kotex, Depends, Huggies, or Poise products you receive $10 back in Extra Bucks.  This is essentially like getting everything 40% off.  Then of course if you have coupons (there were Cottonelle and Viva and actually about all of these product in this Sundays paper) it is an even better deal!  You can also print coupons here.  So, here’s what I bought…

$6.49  (I) Viva 8 count paper towels

$6.49  (1) Cottonelle 12 double roll toilet paper

$2.99 (2) huggies wipes

$2.00 (2) Cottonells Flushable wipes for my potty trained son!!!

$1.00 (1) Box of Kleenex

Coupons -.75 for cottonelle, -.50 for Viva, -$1.00 for Huggies, -$1.00 for huggies, -$1.00 for Cottonelle, -$1.00 for cottonelle

$26.00 -$5.25 in coupons =$18.75 plus tax (I actually Extra Bucks from a previous transaction so I didn’t pay this much)

Then you get $10.00 back in extra bucks.   I did this deal twice, so we are stocked for a while!  The second time you do it (do 2 different transactions) you can use your $10 Extra Bucks coupon, so you only pay $15 out of pocket, less if you have coupons and you get another $10 back.

OK, Josh opened an extra bucks account a while back when he was running an errand for me and forgot my card, and I wanted to quit using his card, we just had to use all of his extra bucks first.  So, I bought this to get rid of his $10 extra bucks so I can go back to using just my card!


.99 each  2 (10 Count) Snyder pretzels

.99  1 pringles sticks

4.99 1 Nintendo DS Game (Christmas present)

.87   1 Cheeze it sticks

.99   1 Pops grab and go

.59    and 1 filler bag of M & Ms to get to my $10.00

Paid .44 cents after using $10 extra bucks coupons!


This may sound confusing but it’s really not, and well worth it!  You can always go here and go to CVS 101 or CVS for beginners and explains everything for you.  I love saving money! 

Family Size Chicken Burrito

Family Size Chicken Burrito

So, I am thinking maybe I will TRY and post more about our meals.  This is already encouraged me to do a better job dusting off my 800 cookbooks and making different things for meals at home.  Josh is already loving it!  So, dinner last night was a family size chicken burrito and chips and salsa.


4 tortillias placed on a cooking sheeet slightly overlapping

spread on a can refried beans

add chicken (I used canned chicken on sale at Publix BOGO this week)

add chopped onion

add cheese

Fold over ends of tortillas to meet at the top and add tomato slices and a little more cheese

Bake at 425 for 15-20 min

We had lettuce, sour cream, salsa, and extra onions for toppings

Total meal price approx. $5.00 (less than $1.75 each isn’t too bad I don’t think)


Waffles with bananas

Waffles with sliced bananas

Nothing spectacular, but Carter loved it.  Also, I found that with slicing bananas we used a LOT less syrup.  We all love syrup, but using less is heathier!  Speaking of syrup, we have a HUGE container shipped to us from Josh’s Aunt Brenda and Uncle Greg in upstate NY, it is pure maple syrup and it’s awesome!   We tried Publix’s waffles and they were good, cheaper than other brands!

Octupus Hot Dog on Macaroni

Octupus Hot Dog on Macaroni

Apparently LOTS!  Carter kept saying “Wow…Mom”  Although he was quite confused that he was supposed to eat it:)  There is typically nothing “blog worthy” about my dinners, but since I have been staying home, I decided I actually enjoy cooking.  Another BIG reason I have enjoyed it more is that Josh’s new weekly task is picking the dinner menu.  He makes it on Sun., then I cook his choices all week.  It is so much easier than the “what do you want for dinner?” conversations!  I also tried macaroni with a 1/4 cup of salsa and a 1/4 cup of tomato paste mixed in, it was pretty good.  Just trying to mix it up a little.  I don’t usually make breads or potatos with dinner, so it’s usually corn, green beans and/or macaroni.  So we had steak, corn, and salsa macaroni, lol.  I did also make strawberry muffins, Carter loved them.  We are usually VERY boring with dinner.  I am trying to do better though.